
Auto Rental Fleet

If not properly managed, the wash water will pollute the water supply and/or surrounding water bodies. It can carry sediment and contaminants (for example oil, grease, metal, paint chips, phosphates, detergents, soaps, cleaners and other chemicals) to surface waters, or it can contaminate ground water by in infiltration or by drainage to subsurface wells and septic systems. Once a water supply becomes contaminated, it is very difficult and costly to treat. Sometimes the treatment process is unsuccessful and can lead to multiple fines from State and Federal agencies.

Geomat provides penetrating and non penetrating car wash systems that provide a solution to your clean water runoff needs.


Cleaning & Recycling Water

A closed-loop system recycles and cleans the the large amounts of wastewater resulting from auto washing by piping it back for reuse. Our car wash closed loop system is proven to be an effective cost reduction tool for the auto washing industry as well as minimizing their environmental impact.

In the project pictured above, Geomat installed a closed-loop hybrid unit. LEARN MORE >

Contaminated Run-Off Water

The continued cleaning in one area results in the build-up contamination. Over time, high levels of contamination will reach ground and potable water. Therefore, auto detailing is a focused industry of the EPA and regulations regarding wastewater containment.